Today is 26th January, 2009. The 60th Republic Day.
I came back from flag hoisting at my school.
Whatever you do, wherever you go, there are some things that one holds dearest to the heart. Among many such things, what I hold dear today and will do so forever is undoubtedly “My” School. :razz:When in school in spite of being in my school choir group and always interested in taking part in extra-curricular activities, I never realized the auspiciousness of these days.
Now almost three years have passed since I left the school (physically! Because I still imagine myself roaming around in the corridors of school :P), and I have never missed a single 15th august or 26th January till today.
And I want to continue.In so many years of my school’s existence, nothing has changed.
Teachers clad in white & red saris, screaming at late appearing students, some curious, some tired/sleepy faces in the primary classes, our music teacher playing patriotic songs on the synthesizer, the NCC cadets (girls & boys) getting ready for the march past and our old English teacher doing the comparing in the most soothing voice I’ve ever heard. :grin:
This is the exact scene what I see every time I entire the gates of the school ground.
My eyes search the crowds for the glimpse of my favorite teachers. We show them a familiar gesture. The chief guests arrive and the flag is hoisted. The national anthem echoes in all directions. And without being instructed, almost mechanically we salute the Flag.
And I am sure, the most unpatriotic person present there (even though for a second) feels pride in his/her heart as one for nothing else but our nation, our country,
:-o INDIA :-oAs I see the flag flutter & wave, I just feel nice. Flag hoisting can be done anywhere. But I will always prefer school.
This can be a debate topic whether the young generation feels patriotic only on these two days. Some think it’s just another holiday. And consider it as a punishment to wake up early morning. :-?
Well, it’s your wish, after all. But, I think there is nothing much to argue on that.To me, it just feels great to be present there.
Anyways, hoisting is followed by some cultural program, felicitating students and speech by the dignitaries.
What we await the most is the sweets distribution! :mrgreen: Then we meet our beloved teachers and leave the school while promising them to reappear the next time too.
And believe me, it’s a tradition for me now. Whatever I do, wherever I go, I will keep returning to “my” school whenever in city. :wink: